Monday, March 15, 2010

Sex, Sexuality and Sexism

This post is in response to a challenge extended by Varun Bhalla. The sissy that he is, he is just not ready to accept that I can pull off a blog on sex.

Well, this one is dedicated to you, Varun.

So, let me start with one of the most controversial statements made by Varun, and mind you he makes this statement whenever you ask him about his lust life.

'You have sex with a person, not with a male or a female, its always a person at the recieving end'.

For all those who know Varun, this might not be a surprise, poor guy still is very much confused with his sexuality.

So, what do we define as sexuality.

I think sexuality is more of an attitude. Its like a mindset (very much like the 'entrepreneurial' mindset). Its an outlook on how comfortable you are with the way you are.

If your a guy and dont mind taking facials (the beauty ones), pedicures, etc. you are defined as a metrosexual. Its a soft way of saying, yes, I am not confident of my looks and hence need to improve them. How gay is that!!

That brings us to homosexuality.
Dont get me wrong. I completely support it. (After four years in a female-deprived institute like this, you kind of have no other choice but to)
This makes me wonder what the dialogue at the start of this post actually means. Is it something that we need to laugh off, or is it really the case that you do sleep with a person. Kantaben from KHNH was truly shocked at this notion, but when S&S repeated them on stage for Filmfare Awards, everyone seemed to laugh it off. Hypocrites!!
I'm going to leave this to your own judgement.
As far as my opinion goes, the person really matters. You dont have 'OMG sex!!!' with anyone, its only with a particular person (if your lucky then many particular people), and this drives in the concept more.
Even though a guy may be able to do just about anything to a female, as long as he doesnt find the person he is looking for in those moments, it just remains a routine. (Dont get ideas that I am getting this out of experience, I'm not so lucky :P)

So, when Varun said that line, even though I laughed it off on hearing it for the first time, think again.

Pour in your thoughts, would be interesting to see.


  1. you have a very strong opinion compared to ur experience. what's your source for your opinion? movies? tv serials? or possibly friends? :P

    personally, id rather not comment on this topic :) ill take a pass to the next one :P

  2. Starting off in full Madhur Bhandarkar style eh?

    This is what happens when you play Truth *AND* Dare ... P

  3. you're either in love with this "particular girl" and/or are expecting action after this !
