Monday, March 15, 2010

Hello World!

Hey Guys,

This moment marks the start of my blogging.

For the last three years, I have wondered when would be the opportune moment to start blogging. If only I would have not listened to Piyush Chandak I would have made this start earlier.

Then when MNIK released, Saurabh Jain started blogging, and then it hit me. If this guy can start a blog, its high time for me.

None-the-less it has taken me quite some time figuring out what the first post should be. I decided to start with what is always started, Hello World!

Welcome to my blog. I know it's not going to be like many of my friends' blogs or any literary masterpieces, but its going to be MY pieces, and be sure to pick them up when you find them. Once you put those pieces together, you get an insight into this fragmented mind of mine.



  1. now here we will see some interesting and not so philosophical posts....
    way to go Harsh...\m/

  2. totally agree with the para that there are not going to be any literary pieces... :D

    happy blogging but am really skeptical how long your job would allow you to blog...

    PS. no mention of e-cell in the first post :O

    PS2. remove the stupid captcha one needs to post a comment

  3. chandak dont wonder how long ur job will allow u to blog - i am a live example of an enthu blogger :) go horsey! \m/ and saurabh blogs kya? :P

  4. thought provoking .....

  5. @Saurabh & Moody: Thanks you so much.
    @PC & Ramu: I definitely plan to keep it up. Well as of now job is too far...lets just focus on the sem getting over.
